
Are E.V.s Too Quiet and ‘Boring’?

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Credit…Anna Haifisch

To the Editor:

Re “Electric Cars Are Boring,” by Ezra Dyer (Opinion guest essay, April 13):

If E.V.s are boring, I guess I am OK with being bored. As an E.V. owner, I no longer have to stop at the gas station to fill up in all kinds of (Chicago) weather. No more oil changes, no more antifreeze concerns, no muffler or fuel pump problems. Boring is good.

No key or fob to carry, and I can preheat or precool my E.V. in various types of inclement weather.

Now for full disclosure. I bought my first E.V. 10 years ago when I was 73. I am now at the age where simpler (boring) is better. I still drive my grandson’s stick shift from time to time, but find it requires too much effort.

I was wondering if Mr. Dyer would like to go back to the horse and buggy. Just think of the road noise and the sound of real horses.

Ron Thomas
Glencoe, Ill.

To the Editor:

The slowdown in E.V. sales is not because they are boring. It’s because they are 1) too expensive; 2) take too long to charge; 3) don’t go far enough on a single charge.

I will happily buy a medium-size S.U.V. E.V. when it goes 500 miles on a five-minute charge and costs about the same as the hybrid version. Until then I will settle for the Toyota RAV4 hybrid.

John Aitken
Salt Lake City

To the Editor:

Sitting on the back deck of my house, I can hear the faint roar of traffic from the town center, about a mile away. I console myself that when more people are driving E.V.s, quiet and the sweet cacophony of bird song will prevail.

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